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Rosary Holyland tour

Tour length

7 touring days


Light | Medium | Hard

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Unesco sites


Full Itinerary

1 night in Tel Aviv; 2 nights in Tiberias; 5 nights in Jerusalem

  • Best of Old Jerusalem
  • Via Dolorosa & Holy Sepulchre Church
  • Garden of Gethsemane
  • Bethlehem
  • Museums in Jerusalem
  • Best of the Galilee
  • Renewal of Wedding vows in Cana
  • Boat Ride in the Sea of Galilee
  • Baptism in the Jordan River
  • Masada & The Dead Sea
  • Mass at the Holy Sepulcher church- Celebrate mass at the world’s holiest shrine, where Jesus was crucified, buried, and resurrected. During mass, you can get access to ancient chapels that are otherwise close to the public.
  • Vespers at Gethsemane- Join the Vespers service at the Basilica of Gethsemane and get more quiet time at the rock where Jesus prayed to God the father.
  • Extention to Jordan- Add a couple of days to your trip and explore the fascinating country of Jordan. Visit Petra- the famous “Rose City”. It was carved out of the Red Rock Mountains and became one of the seven new wonders of the world.

Full Itinerary

Day 1
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9

Day 1 – Arrival

Welcome to Israel!

This will be a once-in-a-lifetime journey where we’ll bring the Bible to life!

Upon arrival, our representatives will meet you and escort you to the hotel.




Included Meals:



Telaviv \ Netanya

Day 2 Mediterranean Coastline + Nazareth and Cana

We’ll begin with Jaffa the older part of Tel Aviv. In the past, it was an important port city, and nowadays, it’s a gentrified, bustling area with many attractions.
We’ll stop at the
scenic lookout over Tel Aviv, and after a short stroll along the colorful Artists’ Quarter, we’ll pay a visit to St. Peter’s Church .
After leaving Tel-Aviv, we’ll drive northward and visit the ancient Roman city of Caesarea. According to the Bible, it is here where Paul was imprisoned for two years, and where the Holy Spirit descended upon the Gentiles (Acts 10).
After lunch
 we’ll proceed to the city of Nazareth – the hometown of Jesus and the largest Arab city in Israel.
Here, Mary received the announcement that she will conceive and bear a son (Luke 1)- The exact spot is commemorated in the Basilica of the Annunciation that we are going to visit.
Then, we’ll drive to the
town of Cana, where Jesus performed the first miracle, changing the water into wine (John 2).

We’ll conclude this day and drive to our new hotel for dinner and rest. 

Included Meals:

Breakfast + Dinner



Day 3 Sea of Galilee

The first site we’ll visit is the Mount of Beatitudes, where Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5).
/span>Then, we’ll travel to the Church of Multiplication – a beautifully decorated 5th-century church with a stunning mosaic floor. Here, Jesus fed the 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and two fish (Matthew 14).
 Afterward, we’ll visit the Church of Peter’s Primacy, where Jesus appeared to the disciples after his resurrection and instructed Peter- “Feed my lambs…Tend my sheep… Feed my sheep” (John 21).
Next, we’ll drive to the ancient town of Capernaum, titled  the “Town of Jesus”. We’ll explore the remains of the lavish synagogue and see the house of Peter’s mother-in-law, while recounting the miracles that were performed here.
Our next activity is a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, where we’ll get a chance to meditate and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding area.
After lunch, we’ll visit the recently discovered archaeological gem named Magdala, famous for being the hometown of Mary Magdalene.
We’ll see the amazingly preserved synagogue, marketplace, and harbor that testify of its glorious heyday.
Our last stop is at Yardenit – a baptism site on the Jordan River.
Here, we’ll have the opportunity to reconnect with the Biblical event of Jesus’s baptism and baptize in the Jordan River.

We’ll conclude the day and return to the hotel for dinner and rest.

Included Meals:

Breakfast + Dinner



Day 4 Jordan Valley

After checkout, we’ll travel to Mount Tabor which is identified as the Mountain of Transfiguration (Matthew 16).
Then, we’ll proceed to the ancient city of Beit Shean.
Among the ruins, we will find a Roman theatre, bathhouse and marketplace that attest to the city’s significance as the head of the Decapolis region.
After lunch, we’ll drive to Jericho – the first city that was conquered by the Israelites – and will stop to look at the Mount of Temptation, where the devil tempted Jesus (Matthew 4).
Next, we’ll go up to the Holy City. Welcome to Jerusalem!

We’ll conclude this day and drive to our new hotel for dinner and rest. 

Included Meals:

Breakfast + Dinner



Day 5 Bethlehem and New Jerusalem

We’ll start our day in the biblical city of Bethlehem, located south of Jerusalem. We’ll visit the Nativity Church – the birthplace of Jesus, which is a 4th-century church, currently shared by three denominations
Then, we’ll head to the Shepherd’s Field. This is where the angel appeared before the shepherds, bearing the good news that the Savior is born. (Luke 2)
After lunch, we’ll travel to New Jerusalem and visit the Israel Museum – with its large variety of exhibitions, it is considered one of the leading museums in the world.  Our tour would be incomplete without seeing the Dead Sea Scrolls – the oldest existing biblical manuscripts, as well as the Model of Jerusalem during the 2nd Temple era.
Next, we’ll travel to Yad Vashem. The official Holocaust memorial that bears witness to one of the darkest times in Jewish history. The well-arranged exhibitions and endless testimonies will leave you speechless.

We’ll conclude the day and return to the hotel for dinner and rest.

Included Meals:

Breakfast + Dinner



Day 6 Old Jerusalem

We’ll start off by traveling to the Mount of Olives. We’ll visit the Pater Noster Church, where Jesus taught the disciples the Lord’s Prayer (Luke 11). We enjoy the famous Panoramic view of Jerusalem – a great spot to recount the city’s biblical significance. We’ll proceed to the Dominus Flevit Church, where Jesus wept over Jerusalem and prophesied its destruction (Luke 19). We’ll walk the Palm Sunday Road, following the footsteps of Jesus as he entered Jerusalem and many came and proclaimed “Hosanna… blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” (Matthew 21), and we’ll visit the Garden of Gethsemane, a stunning Basilica with a precious olive tree garden. Here Jesus prayed, “O my father, if this cup cannot pass away from Me unless I drink it, your will be done” (Matthew 26).
Next, we’ll drive to Mount Zion – a hill on the Western side of the old city. Zion is also one of the names given to Jerusalem.
We’ll visit the Upper Room, where according to tradition Jesus had the Last Supper with the disciples; Tomb of King David – a synagogue that houses the tomb of the Glorious King; and the Dormition Abbey – a German-Catholic church that commemorates the spot where Mary fell into eternal sleep.
Across the street, we’ll go to
St. Peter in Gallicantu Church, the traditional house of Caiaphas, the High Priest. Here, Jesus was held and interrogated right before being judged by Pontius Pilate.
After lunch, we’ll visit the Jewish Quarter, the Roman Cardo, the Broad Wall, and get a closer look at the restored Golden Menorah.
We’ll stroll down to the Western Wall – the main place of worship for the Jewish people located on the west side of the Temple Mount. Visitors are welcome to participate in an old tradition and leave a prayer note at the Western Wall.

We’ll conclude the day and return to the hotel for dinner and rest.

Included Meals:

Breakfast + Dinner



Day 7Old Jerusalem (continued)

First we’ll visit the Pools of Bethesda & St. Anne’s Church.
The pools are recognized as the location where Jesus healed the lame person on a Sabbath day(
John 5). The Church commemorates the birthplace of Mary and is known for its acoustics.
Next, we’ll walk the famous Via Dolorosa, composed of 14 stations.
This is the traditional road where pilgrims can relate to the passion of Christ. We’ll continue walking until reaching the
Holy Sepulchre Church.
This is the most important church in the world and the celebrated site of the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
After having lunch in the Christian Quarter, we’ll continue to Ein Karem – a picturesque town at the hill country of Judea.
There are two catholic churches to visit:
Church of John the Baptist – a completely renovated church, celebrated as the birthplace of St. John, and the Church of Visitation that was built on the site where Mary met Elizabeth when both were pregnant (Luke 1).

We’ll conclude the day and return to the hotel for dinner and rest.

Included Meals:

Breakfast + Dinner



Day 8 Masada and the Dead Sea

We’ll start off by traveling to the Judean Desert and visit Masada – the most visited national park in Israel and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
This magnificent fortress, built by King Herod 2000 years ago, served as the arena for the final battle of the Great Jewish Revolt.
Next, we’ll proceed to the ancient village of Qumran, which is where the “Dead Sea scrolls” were found.
After lunch, we’ll travel to the Dead Sea – the lowest place in the world. Its buoyant waters are abundant with minerals and offer an excellent opportunity to enjoy a natural open-air spa.

We’ll conclude the day and return to the hotel for dinner and rest.

Included Meals:

Breakfast + Dinner



Day 9 – Departure

After checking out of the hotel, we’ll travel to the airport to catch your flight back home.
Thank you for touring with us. We hope to see you again! 

Shalom U’Lehitraot.





Included Meals:



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